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Project Type- Residential low rise
Client- Jedex Realty Sdn Bhd
Project Detail-Taman Embun Marmur housing project provided house buyers with different choices of semi-d designs, from a conventional type of narrower frontage to a not commonly seen wider frontage houses. The layouts look into consideration on users’ quality of life by ensuring all rooms in the houses are facing garden spaces. As the target buyers are mostly muslim community, we have also place privacy as part of the main consideration in the design by having bedrooms all recessed from main living/dining room with a buffer(walkway space) in between them, this arrangement of layout is to avoid direct view from common space to private areas especially the beds. To cope with possible large family squeeze into a small house, basins are being separated from Bathrooms to ensure efficient usage of bathrooms and minimize wastage of time to the users. In short, when 1 family member is using the bathroom, 2nd family member can use the basin outside their bathroom concurrently. Quite common facades of houses at housing estate would turn messy after handling over, when the house owners installing their a/c compressors at anywhere outside their houses, although it is not required by Local Authority to provide A/c compressor space at building facades as in the high rise residential buildings, we have incorporate recessed a/c space at the back of the houses. The recessed space is also useful as an additional space to keep their hardware & gardening tools outside their houses. All in all, from the outside, although this housing scheme is looking like typical low medium cost low rise housing projects, we have tried to refine the layouts and details and make a slight difference from the norm.
Site Area- Phase 1: 38,163m2
Site Area- Phase 2: 6,103m2
Building Gross Floor Area- Bungalow- 155m2
Building Gross Floor Area- Semi-d- 120-136m2
Project Year-2016- 2022